At 4orgiven Café, we are seeking a Right Now in the Moment Thought from Heaven through


Our contest was designed to engage viewers and café’ patrons as they visit our website and enter our brick and mortar location.
What do you have to share to inspire someone?  What do you want to say to encourage someone’s heart?

Guidelines and Rules to the Contest:

  • Slogans should be 7 Words or less
  • Original (not infringing on anyone else’s work)
  • Thought provoking
  • Encouraging and Respectful
  • Communicate A Thoughtful Message
  • Multiple Slogan entries are allowed
  • Each Slogan entry is $1.00
  • Slogans should be submitted by Friday 8pm of each week

Winners will be named on the website and notified by email or phone!

(1st and 2nd Place Winners will be announced each Tuesday by 5pm)

(4orgiven Slogan Example: Forgiveness, the  of Matters)

~5 words to include picture of heart~

**All entries submitted become the Café’s and the winner receives the credit for the Slogan!


Slogan Submission 1 $1.00